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. 2020 Sep 24;14(9):e0008621. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008621

Table 3. Characteristics of the models predicting RRV outbreaks.

Study (first author, year) Research area and period Model* Covariates (significant predictors in bold)**
Maelzer, 1999 New South Wales and Victoria, 1928–1998 LORM SOI
Woodruff, 2002 Two regions in southeastern Australia, 1991–1999 LORM Rain, Temp, Humd, Evap, VP, SOI, SST, adjustment for irrigation method
Gatton, 2004 Queensland, 1991–2001 Temporal analysis Seasonality
Gatton, 2005 Queensland, 1991–2001 LORM Rain, Temp
Woodruff, 2006 Southwest Western Australia, 1991–1999 LORM Mosq, Rain, Temp, Tide, Evap, SOI, SST, VP
Watkins, 2008 Western Australia, 1991–2004 EARS and NBC Historical RRV cases (covariates not quantified)
Pelecanos, 2010 Queensland, 1991–2007 EARS, NBC, HLM, POD and temporal analysis Historical RRV cases (covariates not quantified)
Sparks, 2010 New South Wales, 1995–2006 An adaptive CUSUM plan Historical RRV cases, day of the week, school holiday, seasonal and transitional influences (covariates not quantified)
Jacups, 2011 Northern Territory, 1991–2007 LORM Rain, Temp, Humd, Tide (only applied for coastal areas)
Koolhof, 2017 Five sites in Western Australia, 1991–2014 Hurdle model Rain, Temp, Tide
Walsh, 2018 Australia, 1996–2016 Maxent model Rain, Temp, proximity to each surface water type, proximity to controlled water reservoirs, water-soil balance, hydrological flow accumulation, altitude, MGVF, human migration, ecological niches of wildlife hosts
Tall, 2019 Inland New South Wales, 1991–2013 GEE Flood events

* LORM = Logistic Regression Model; EARS = Early Aberration Reporting System C1, C2 and C3 algorithms; CUSUM = Cumulative Sum; NBC = Negative Binomial Cusum method; HLM = Historical Limits Method; POD = Poisson Outbreak Detection method; GEE = Generalised Estimating Equations.

**Mosq = Mosquito abundance or Mosquito related data; Rain = Rainfall; Temp = Temperature; Tide = Tide Height or High Tidal level; Humd = Humidity or Relative Humidity; Evap = Evaporation; VP = Vapor Pressure; SOI = Southern Oscillation Index; SST = Sea Surface Temperature; MGVF = Maximum Green Vegetation Fraction.