Table 3. Characteristics of the models predicting RRV outbreaks.
Study (first author, year) | Research area and period | Model* | Covariates (significant predictors in bold)** |
Maelzer, 1999 | New South Wales and Victoria, 1928–1998 | LORM | SOI |
Woodruff, 2002 | Two regions in southeastern Australia, 1991–1999 | LORM | Rain, Temp, Humd, Evap, VP, SOI, SST, adjustment for irrigation method |
Gatton, 2004 | Queensland, 1991–2001 | Temporal analysis | Seasonality |
Gatton, 2005 | Queensland, 1991–2001 | LORM | Rain, Temp |
Woodruff, 2006 | Southwest Western Australia, 1991–1999 | LORM | Mosq, Rain, Temp, Tide, Evap, SOI, SST, VP |
Watkins, 2008 | Western Australia, 1991–2004 | EARS and NBC | Historical RRV cases (covariates not quantified) |
Pelecanos, 2010 | Queensland, 1991–2007 | EARS, NBC, HLM, POD and temporal analysis | Historical RRV cases (covariates not quantified) |
Sparks, 2010 | New South Wales, 1995–2006 | An adaptive CUSUM plan | Historical RRV cases, day of the week, school holiday, seasonal and transitional influences (covariates not quantified) |
Jacups, 2011 | Northern Territory, 1991–2007 | LORM | Rain, Temp, Humd, Tide (only applied for coastal areas) |
Koolhof, 2017 | Five sites in Western Australia, 1991–2014 | Hurdle model | Rain, Temp, Tide |
Walsh, 2018 | Australia, 1996–2016 | Maxent model | Rain, Temp, proximity to each surface water type, proximity to controlled water reservoirs, water-soil balance, hydrological flow accumulation, altitude, MGVF, human migration, ecological niches of wildlife hosts |
Tall, 2019 | Inland New South Wales, 1991–2013 | GEE | Flood events |
* LORM = Logistic Regression Model; EARS = Early Aberration Reporting System C1, C2 and C3 algorithms; CUSUM = Cumulative Sum; NBC = Negative Binomial Cusum method; HLM = Historical Limits Method; POD = Poisson Outbreak Detection method; GEE = Generalised Estimating Equations.
**Mosq = Mosquito abundance or Mosquito related data; Rain = Rainfall; Temp = Temperature; Tide = Tide Height or High Tidal level; Humd = Humidity or Relative Humidity; Evap = Evaporation; VP = Vapor Pressure; SOI = Southern Oscillation Index; SST = Sea Surface Temperature; MGVF = Maximum Green Vegetation Fraction.