Table 1.
Variables | Non-carnival region | Carnival region |
No. of inhabitants | 12,310,248 | 4,870,836 |
No. inhabitants per km2a | 437 | 435 |
Degree of urbanityab | 4 | 4 |
No. mortality | 107,166 (0.9) | 46,197 (0.9) |
Sex | ||
Male | 6,095,518 (49.5) | 2,431,523 (49.9) |
Female | 6,214,730 (50.5) | 2,439,313 (50.1) |
Age groups (year) | ||
0–15 | 2,030,940 (16.5) | 731,684 (15.0) |
15–25 | 1,517,463 (12.3) | 599,350 (12.3) |
25–45 | 3,081,548 (25.0) | 1,141,066 (23.4) |
45–65 | 3,424,685 (27.8) | 1,415,232 (29.1) |
≥ 65 | 2,255,612 (18.3) | 983,504 (20.2) |
Marital status | ||
Unmarried | 6,036,871 (49.0) | 2,250,736 (46.2) |
Married | 4,730,875 (38.4) | 1,979,300 (40.6) |
Separated | 951,717 (7.7) | 372,909 (7.7) |
Widowed | 590,785 (4.8) | 267,891 (5.5) |
Type of family homea | ||
Single family home (%) | 80 | 85 |
Multiple family home (%) | 20 | 15 |
a Median of the region
b According to the environmental address density, an urban class has been assigned to every neighborhood, district or municipality. The following class division has been used: 1, very strong urban> = 2500 addresses per km2; 2, strongly urban 1500–2500 addresses per km2; 3, moderately urban 1000–1500 addresses per km2; 4, few urban 500–1000 addresses per km2; 5, non-urban < 500 addresses per km2