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. 2020 Sep 23;11:2215. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02215


Psychological distance and self-nature connection: Descriptive statistics and correlations.

Variable M (SD) (Wave 1) M (SD) (Wave 2) Correlation With Self-nature Connection (Wave 1) Correlation With Self-nature Connection (Wave 2)
My local area where I live is likely to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic. 4.03 (1.04) 3.91 (1.06) 0.059 (0.077) 0.107* (0.158**)
The coronavirus pandemic will mostly affect areas that are far away from where I live. 2.94 (1.50) 3.02 (1.44) 0.060 (0.037) 0.039 (0.009)
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a big impact on people like me. 3.68 (1.12) 3.59 (1.12) 0.172** (0.173**) 0.204** (0.203**)
People very different from me are going to be greatly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. 3.85 (1.09) 3.85 (1.04) 0.091* (0.095*) 0.127** (0.160**)
Please indicate how familiar you are with the closest person in your environment that is directly affected by the coronavirus. 2.56 (1.44) 2.81 (1.46) 0.123** (0.107*) 0.151** (0.145**)
When will the coronavirus pandemic start affecting your personal life? 5.84 (1.62) 5.70 (1.68) 0.076 (0.088) 0.149** (0.202**)
When will the coronavirus pandemic start affecting the lives of people in your area? 6.11 (1.35) 6.03 (1.42) 0.043 (0.065) 0.168** (0.219**)
What do you think is the likelihood (in%) that you personally will contract the coronavirus? 41.45 (29.14) 38.57 (28.98) 0.151** (0.140**) 0.117** (0.112*)
What do you think is the likelihood (in %) that people in your area will contract the coronavirus? 59.72 (31.08) 55.97 (30.27) 0.104* (0.113*) 0.084 (0.100*)

*p < 0.05 (2-tailed); **p < 0.01 (2-tailed). Numbers in parentheses in the last two columns indicate parameters when controlling for socially desirable responding of participants. Geographical and social distance were measured on a five-point Likert scale. Temporal distance was measured on a seven-point Likert scale. Hypothetical distance was measured as percentage out of 100.