Lung-derived dendritic cell GITRL expression downregulated in low-dose LPS-pre-exposed asthmatic mice relative to untreated asthmatic mice. (A,B) Immunohistochemistry of GITRL in lung tissue sections. Left panel (200× magnification) scale bars = 50 μm, right panel (400× magnification) scale bars = 100 μm. (C,D) Immunofluorescence of GITRL in lung tissue sections. Scale bars (200× magnification) = 50 μm. (E,F) Membrane-fraction immunoblotting of GITRL expression in lung-derived CD11c+CD11b+ dendritic cells. (G) Flow cytometry of surface GITRL expression on lung-derived CD11c+CD11b+ dendritic cells. n = 6–8 mice per group. Data are reported as means ± standard deviations (SDs). *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001 vs. Control group; ##p < 0.01 and ###p < 0.001 vs. PBS/OVA group. Control, unexposed normal mice; PBS/OVA, asthmatic mice; 3d1μgLPS/OVA, low-dose (1 μg daily) LPS-exposed asthmatic mice with LPS exposure at 3rd DOL; 3d1μgLPS/PBS, low-dose (1 μg daily) LPS-exposed normal mice with LPS exposure at 3rd DOL.