Table 1.
Tasks per neurocognitive domain.
Cognitive domain | Tasks |
Attention | Trail Making Test, Part A and Part B (TMT-A and TMT-B)30 |
Language | Boston Naming Test (BNT)31 |
Executive functioning | Regensburg Word Fluency Test (RWT)32 |
Trail Making Test Switching ratio (TMT-B/A)14 | |
Verbal Learning and Memory Test (VLMT)33—Subtest Intrusion | |
Memory | Verbal Learning and Memory Test (VLMT)33—subtests total |
Recall, Delayed Recall, Delayed Recognition | |
Figurative memory | Pentagon Drawing Test—delayed recall34 |
Visuospatial functioning | Pentagon Drawing Test—copy34 |
Bimanual coordination | Alternating Opening and Closing of Fists |
Alternating Pronation and Supination | |
Luria Sequence35 | |
Finger Tapping Sequence | |
Object recognition | Tactile Object Recognition36 |
Tactile Letter Recognition36 | |
Orientation | Mini Mental Status Examination37 |
Depression and anxiety | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)38 |