(A and B) Cross-neutralizing efficacy of 18A7 (A) and 14B10 (B) against CVA16 strains 190, 213a, 4430, and 4479 were evaluated using an in vitro micro-neutralization assay in human rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells. The neutralization efficacy was evaluated using the IC50 values calculated from the inhibition ratio plotted against antibody concentration.
(C) In vivo protective efficacies of antibodies against CVA16. One-day-old mice were challenged with CVA16 and then treated with 18A7, 14B10, or NA9D7 after virus infection. The control group were treated with PBS. Mouse survival rates were monitored and recorded daily for 20 days.
(D-F) Stabilities of CVA16 full particles and their immune complexes with 18A7 (D), 14B10 (E), or NA9D7 (F) determined by thermal stability assays using the SYTO9 dye to detect RNA exposure. The first derivatives are shown and the experiments were independently repeated in triplicates.
See also Figure S1.