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. 2020 Jul 15;24(8):2129–2141. doi: 10.1177/1362361320936394
Initial questions
1. Tell me about how you came into the PACT Study?
2. What happened before you came into the study?
3. What was family life like at the time or just before coming into the study?
4. What did you know about PACT before you took part?
Intermediate questions
5. What did you hope for (expectations, thoughts and feelings) from taking part in the study?
6. What happened next?
7. Have your thoughts, feelings, hopes changed since your first impressions?
8. What happened with your child?
9. Who was involved with them?
10. What changes did you see take place in your child? (Behavioural, emotional, social, educational?)
11. What were the most important changes?
12. Did these changes make a difference to your family life?
13. What was a good day like before taking part in the study?
14. Would a good day be different in any way now you have finished the study?
15. What was a bad day like before taking part in the study?
16. Would a bad day be different in any way now you have finished the study?
17. What has been most helpful?
18. What has been least helpful?
Ending questions
19. What changes have you made? (Prompt: helpful/unhelpful)
20. What have you learned?
21. Have you thought about anything in this interview that you had not thought about before?
22. Is there anything else you want to tell me or expand on?
23. Is there anything you want to ask me?