Table 2.
Principles and values guiding resource allocation decision-making in the context of KF care, with examples of their limitationsa
Avoiding futility: ensuring resources are used only where they will provide a benefit. | Maximizing utility: allocating resources to produce the greatest benefits overall for a given population. |
Reciprocity and solidarity: helping those who are necessary for the provision of care and/or who contribute to the common good. | “Fair innings”: focus on allowing all people to live a “normal” life span. |
Prioritarianism: providing first for the worst off. | Equality: respecting fundamental right to health.b |
AKI, acute kidney injury; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; KF, kidney failure; ICU, intensive care unit.
These highlight the need for use of allocation frameworks that engage with a range of considerations pertinent to distributive justice.
Notably may be interpreted as promoting equality of health outcomes, opportunities to access care, or shares of resources.