Variable | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
Specialist visits | GP visits | Mental health care visits | Days in the hospital | |
First stage (voluntary deductible) | ||||
Sup. insurance | −0.4493 *** (0.0438) | −0.4361 *** (0.0454) | −0.4273 *** (0.0462) | −0.4253 *** (0.0469) |
Risk aversion | −0.0430 *** (0.0126) | −0.0430 *** (0.0128) | −0.0423 *** (0.0127) | −0.0402 *** (0.0127) |
Control variables | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Constant | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Second stage (outcome (P(Y > 0))) | ||||
Vol.deduct. | −1.0292 *** (0.1271) | −0.6844 *** (0.1706) | −0.6416 ** (0.2550) | −1.228 *** (0.1448) |
Risk aversion | −0.0041 (0.0100) | 0.0023 (0.0104) | −0.0067 (0.0172) | −0.0096 (0.0108) |
Male | −0.1649 *** (0.0345) | −0.4524 *** (0.0350) | −0.1206 ** (0.0549) | 0.0273 (0.0349) |
Age | −0.0145 ** (0.0061) | −0.0106 (0.0066) | 0.0060 (0.0109) | −0.0157 ** (0.0065) |
Age2 | 0.0003 *** (0.0001) | 0.0002 *** (0.0001) | −0.0002 ** (0.0001) | 0.0002 ** (0.0001) |
Employed | −0.0638 (0.0403) | −0.0577 (0.0419) | −0.0179 (0.0633) | 0.0235 (0.0426) |
Educ.mid | 0.0043 (0.0404) | 0.0253 (0.0435) | 0.1147 * (0.0697) | −0.0545 (0.0425) |
Educ.high | 0.1010 ** (0.0439) | 0.0892 * (0.0473) | 0.2243 *** (0.0717) | 0.0536 (0.0441) |
Married | −0.0911 ** (0.0450) | 0.0359 (0.0450) | −0.0643 (0.0636) | −0.0356 (0.0488) |
Good health | −0.1807 *** (0.0391) | −0.2080 *** (0.0373) | −0.0476 (0.0693) | −0.0792 (0.0495) |
MHI‐5 | −0.0041 *** (0.0011) | −0.0084 *** (0.0012) | −0.0259 *** (0.0017) | −0.004 *** (0.0012) |
Chronic cond. | 0.5628 *** (0.0397) | 0.3761 *** (0.0395) | 0.1597 ** (0.0648) | 0.2273 *** (0.0477) |
Smokes | −0.0829 ** (0.0403) | −0.1154 *** (0.0413) | 0.0437 (0.0638) | −0.0143 (0.0425) |
Log‐income | 0.0553 (0.0379) | −0.0465 (0.0396) | −0.0884 (0.0603) | 0.0297 (0.0407) |
Constant | −0.2373 (0.3063) | 1.7446 *** (0.3320) | 1.4112 *** (0.4853) | −0.6134 * (0.3362) |
Observations | 14,089 | 14,089 | 14,089 | 14,089 |
ρ (rho) | 0.506 *** | 0.307 *** | 0.389 ** | 0.689 *** |
Log‐likelihood | −14,407 | −13,775 | −8,769 | −10,611 |
Average marginal effect vol.deduct. | −0.3143 *** | −0.2337 *** | −0.0552 ** | −0.163 *** |
Note: Standard errors are clustered at the household level and presented in parentheses. Both stages of the specifications include wave dummies.
Abbreviations: GP, general practitioner; MHI, Mental Health Inventory.
p < 0.01.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.1.