Figure 3.
Loss of airway smooth muscle differentiation led to absence of airway peristalsis. (A-B) Representative control and MyocdCKO E12.5 lungs were dissected and imaged fresh, and (C,D) 24 hours after culture. Scalebar: 50 μm. (E,F) Representative maximum projection of z-stacks from confocal images showing immunofluorescent detection of ACTA2 (magenta) and CDH1 (green) in E12.5 cultured lungs, showing a lack of differentiated ASM in MyocdCKO lung. Scalebar: 50 μm. (G) Peristalsis was observed in control airways approximately once a minute, while MyocdCKO airways never contracted. Data are represented as individual points for each biological sample ± SD. ***: p<0.0001.