Table 1.
Potential predictors of expert score, a quantitative metric developed to evaluate the agreement between an expert map and a habitat probability surface obtained from a species distribution model, and predictors of expert agreement, the fraction of the union of 2 expert maps that is common
Predictor and measure | Definition and level of categorical variable |
Attributes of expert opinion mapsa | |
Polsby‐Popper index (range 0 to 1) | Ratio of the area of the map to the area of a circle whose circumference is equal to the perimeter of the map (Cox 1927) |
Convex hull score (range 0 to 1) | Ratio of the area of a map to the area of the minimum convex polygon that encloses the map |
Detailed edge (range 0 to ∞) | Ratio of the area of a map to its edge length |
Attributes of occurrence‐based maps | |
Number of occurrence points | Total number of occurrence records in the study area (as defined in Methods) |
Moran's I (range –1 to 1) | Spatial heterogeneity of occurrences in the study area; score of the map is 1 for perfect clustering of similar values, 0 for perfect randomness, and –1 for perfect clustering of dissimilar values |
Average density of occurrence points (count/10,000 km2) | |
Butterfly life‐history traitsb | |
Mobility | Local, migratory, or mass migration |
Habitat breadth | Generalist: associated with many specific ecotypes (e.g., fields, meadows, prairies, and pastures), although they may have particular canopy requirements (e.g., no canopy rather than closed forest); specialist: associated with specific ecotypes (e.g., tall‐grass prairies); narrow: narrow but not specialized habitat associations |
Host plant | One genus of plants; few (≤5) species of a plant family; many species of a plant family; few species of several plant families; many species of several plant families; dead plant tissue |
Taxonomic family | |
Oviposition | Single, cluster, or both |
Overwintering state | Egg, larvae, pupa, or adult |
Voltinism | Univoltine (obligate 1 flight/year), bivoltine (obligate 2 flights/year), or multivoltine (1 to many flights depending on length of season) |
Local abundance | Common, uncommon, or irruptive |
Distribution | Local: generally found in localized sites; widespread: could be found anywhere within the canopy, habitat, and range of the species; stray: not known to breed in the area or be a regular migrant to the area; individuals seen only sporadically |
Average wing span | |
Wing span range | Maximum wingspan minus minimum wingspan |
aPerimeter and area of map measured on an ellipsoid representation of Earth in kilometers and square kilometers, respectively.
bAll predictors categorical except Average wing span.