Table 3.
Regression model predicting correlation in 10 s segments. Model form: rw ∼ sex + … + laughs + (1 | triad). Bold text indicates significant predictors at the p < 0.05 level (see main text for summary of exploratory approach).
additional measure | B | s.e. | t | p |
sex (male or female) | −0.006 | 0.017 | −0.35 | 0.727 |
childhood income (z) | 0.015 | 0.009 | 1.64 | 0.101 |
psychopathy (z) | −0.007 | 0.009 | −0.81 | 0.418 |
attractiveness (z) | −0.016 | 0.009 | −1.82 | 0.069 |
cultural style match (z) | −0.014 | 0.005 | −2.60 | 0.009 |
language style match (LSM) | −0.266 | 0.081 | −3.29 | 0.001 |
perceived common ground (0/1) | −0.010 | 0.012 | −0.81 | 0.420 |
conversational interruptions (rate) | 0.019 | 0.018 | 1.11 | 0.269 |
Prisoner's Dilemma game (1 = cooperate; 0 = defect) | −0.021 | 0.017 | −1.25 | 0.212 |
perceived warmth (z) | −0.009 | 0.009 | −1.03 | 0.302 |
perceived competence (z) | 0.004 | 0.011 | 0.34 | 0.735 |
total laughs (count) | 0.000 | 0.001 | 0.47 | 0.639 |
colaughter (%) | 0.136 | 0.047 | 2.90 | 0.004 |