Table 3. Uterine capacity from ovarian observations in other Squaliforms.
Species | Family | Nfemales | UOmax | % | References |
Centrophorus squamosus Δ | Centrophoridae | 467 | 10/15 | 66.7 | [35, 36] |
Centrophorus granulosus | Centrophoridae | 156 | 6/10 | 60.0 | [36] |
Centrophorus harrisoni* | Centrophoridae | 86 | 2/2 | 100 | [29] |
Centrophorus moluccensis* | Centrophoridae | 68 | 2/2 | 100 | [29] |
Centrophorus sp. 1 | Centrophoridae | 100 | 1/1 | 100 | [29] |
Centrophorus sp. 2* | Centrophoridae | 51 | 2/3 | 66.7 | [32] |
Deania profundorum | Centrophoridae | 351 | 11/14 | 78.6 | [37] |
Dalatias licha* | Dalatiidae | 67 | 14/18 | 77.8 | [39] |
Echinorhinus brucus | Echinorhinidae | 256 | 36/38 | 94.7 | [42] |
Oxynotus bruniensis * | Oxynotidae | 45 | 8/17 | 47.1 | [46] |
Oxynotus centrina *Δ | Oxynotidae | 20 | 15/22 | 68.1 | [43, 44] |
Centroscyllium fabricii | Etmopteridae | 1476 | 35/47 | 74.4 | [27] |
Etmopterus granulosus | Etmopteridae | 492 | 15/30 | 50.0 | [47] |
Etmopterus spinax | Etmopteridae | 485 | 16/21 | 76.1 | [49] |
Centroscymnus coelolepis | Somniosidae | 871 | 25/30 | 83.3 | [52] |
Centroscymnus owstoni | Somniosidae | 316 | 28/28 | 100 | [51] |
Somniosus rostratus* | Somniosidae | 29 | 21/23 | 91.3 | Guallart unpublished data |
Squalus acanthias | Squalidae | 491 | 15/18 | 83.3 | [57] |
Squalus megalops | Squalidae | 4180 | 4/4 | 100 | [64] |
Squalus suckleyi ○ | Squalidae | 360 | 16/13 | 100 | [55] |
* Sample sizes low compared to other studies (N>100).
Δ Ratio calculated on numbers from different studies but from same region.
○ Uterine fecundity is higher than ovarian fecundity.
Maximum number of fetuses over maximum number of ripe ova, i.e. UOmax-ratio (expressed as %). This ratio reflects the species’ maximum capacity uterine fecundity (U) based on ovarian observations (O).