Figure 1. Depletion of oligodendrocytes and demyelination in the visual cortex at 5 weeks following cuprizone administration without electrode implantation.
(a) Experimental timeline of cuprizone administration, device implantation, electrophysiological and impedance recording, and pre- and post-implant histology. (b) CC1+ staining reveals marked reduction in oligodendrocyte density in the visual cortex following 5 weeks of cuprizone administration. (c) MBP+ stain demonstrates reduced myelin fluorescence intensity in the visual cortex following 5 weeks of cuprizone treatment. (d) Staining for NG2+ cells shows elevated oligodendrocyte precursor cell density following 5 weeks of cuprizone administration. (e) Iba-1+ staining demonstrates relatively comparable microglia fluorescence intensities between cuprizone-treated and control mice. (f) GFAP+ astrocyte staining similarly shows comparable fluorescence intensities between cuprizone-treated and control mice. Scale bars = 50 μm. *** indicates p < 0.001. **** indicates p < 0.0001.