Figure 7. Cuprizone-induced oligodendrocyte loss and demyelination reduces evoked power in a frequency-dependent manner.
(a) Representative power spectra of one mouse from each group (cuprizone-treated, blue; control, black) taken at the same electrode site in layer IV demonstrating evoked (solid) and spontaneous (dashed) power over frequency. (b) Normalized power spectrum taken by subtracting the spontaneous power from evoked power. (c) Heat maps of average evoked power as a function of frequency and time between cuprizone-treated and control animals. (d) Heat maps of average evoked power as a function of depth along microelectrode array and time between cuprizone-treated and control animals. (e) Cuprizone-administration induces oscillations in mean power over entire frequency spectrum for first two weeks compared to control mice. (f) Cuprizone-administration reduces peaks power compared to control mice acutely during insertion. (g) Relative power within different frequency bands demonstrate differential outcomes following cuprizone administration. PEVO: evoked power; PSPON, spontaneous power.