Traces (mean ± SEM shading) show APL responses to isoamyl acetate (horizontal bars) before (black) and after (orange) bath-applying 2 mM histamine, in flies expressing GCaMP6f and the histamine-gated Cl
- channel Ort in APL, driven by NP2631-GAL4/GH146-FLP. Graphs show maximum ∆F/F (same colors as traces). Bars show mean, thin lines show paired data (same hemisphere before and after histamine). *p<0.05, paired t-test or Wilcoxon test. The residual GCaMP6f response most likely reflects calcium influx through nAChRs (cholinergic input to APL when APL is blocked by histamine would be much higher due to increased KC activity:
Apostolopoulou and Lin, 2020). Apparent differences in effect size in different parts of APL might reflect differential localization of Ort or differential penetration of histamine into the brain. Note that when APL does not express Ort, histamine has no effect on Kenyon cell odor responses (
Apostolopoulou and Lin, 2020) and thus is unlikely to non-specifically affect APL odor responses.