Any hepatic adverse events during ICIs | |
All cancer (N = 1480) | |
Grade 1‐2 | 611 (41.3) |
Grade 3‐4 | 220 (14.9) |
Lung cancer (N = 586) | |
Grade 1‐2 | 208 (35.5) |
Grade 3‐4 | 29 (4.9) |
Gastrointestinal cancer (N = 148) | |
Grade 1‐2 | 74 (50.0) |
Grade 3‐4 | 30 (20.3) |
Liver cancer (N = 244) | |
Grade 1‐2 | 132 (54.1) |
Grade 3‐4 | 80 (32.8) |
Hematological cancer (N = 143) | |
Grade 1‐2 | 73 (51.0) |
Grade 3‐4 | 32 (24.4) |
Other cancer (N = 359) a | |
Grade 1‐2 | 124 (34.5) |
Grade 3‐4 | 49 (13.6) |
All results are presented as n (%) of that cancer type. Hepatic adverse events referred to the worst grade of adverse events occurred during follow‐up. Grade 1 hepatic events referred to ALT and/or AST > 1xULN‐3xULN if baseline was normal; 1.5‐3x baseline if baseline was abnormal, and/or total bilirubin > 1xULN‐1.5xULN if baseline was normal; >1‐1.5x baseline if baseline was abnormal. Grade 2 hepatic events referred to ALT and/or AST > 3xULN‐5xULN if baseline was normal; >3‐5x baseline if baseline was abnormal, and/or total bilirubin > 1.5xULN‐3xULN if baseline was normal; >1.5‐3x baseline if baseline was abnormal. Grade 3 hepatic events referred to ALT and/or AST > 5xULN‐20xULN if baseline was normal; >5‐20x baseline if baseline was abnormal, and/or total bilirubin > 3xULN‐10xULN if baseline was normal; >3‐10x baseline if baseline was abnormal. Grade 4 hepatic events referred to ALT and/or AST > 20xULN if baseline was normal; >20x baseline if baseline was abnormal, and/or total bilirubin > 10xULN if baseline was normal; >10x baseline if baseline was abnormal. During ICIs: this refers to the period from the start of ICIs until 4 weeks after the last dose of ICIs.
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ICIs, immune checkpoint inhibitors; ULN, upper limit of normal.
The four commonest types of other cancer included kidney cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, and pharyngeal cancer.