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. 2020 Oct 6;8:38. doi: 10.1186/s40462-020-00224-8

Table 3.

Model selection table for desert tortoise path selection ranked by WAIC. The top three models were highly similar in WAIC score (in bold)

slope + slope2+ wash+wash2+ veg + veg2+ habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35090.50 0.00
slope + slope2+ wash+wash2+ veg + veg2+ habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail+road*wash 35090.56 0.06
slope + slope2+ wash+wash2+ veg + habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35092.14 1.64
wash+wash2 + habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35131.25 40.75
wash+habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35159.45 68.95
slope + slope2 + wash+ wash2 + veg + veg2 + habitat road+fence+floodcontrol+rail+slope*wash 35182.47 91.97
slope + slope2 + habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35184.42 93.92
road+slope + fence+floodcontrol+rail+habitat 35188.02 97.52
veg + veg2 + habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35214.96 124.47
road+veg + fence+floodcontrol+rail+habitat 35221.50 131.00
habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol+rail 35228.94 138.44
habitat+road+fence+floodcontrol 35233.82 143.33
habitat+road 35281.80 191.31
habitat+floodcontrol+rail 35310.44 219.95
habitat+floodcontrol 35311.56 221.07
habitat+fence 35330.54 240.05
habitat 35341.03 250.54
habitat+rail 35342.31 251.82
Null 35368.26 277.77