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. 2020 Aug 27;57(12):5121–5129. doi: 10.1007/s12035-020-02081-3

Table 1.

Comparison between available CMT2A mouse models

HB9 Mfn2T105M (Detmer 2008) Eno MFN2 R94Q (Cartoni 2010) Nestin-cre MFN2T105M (Bannerman 2016) Thy1.2 MFN2R94Q (Zhou 2019)
MFN2 mutation T105M R94Q T105M R94Q
MFN2 transgene promoter Hb9 Eno Rosa-STOP-MFN2T105M/CAG-CreERT2 Nestin-cre Thy1.2
Genotype Homozygous Heterozygous Homozygous (MitoCharc2) Heterozygous (MitoCharc1) Homozygous Heterozygous Y-linked
Phenotype onset Severe congenital Mild congenital Mild late Mild late 6 W post-tamoxifen induction Mild late Early
Motor resistance (Rotarod test) Hindlimb muscles weakness but no alteration No alteration Frequent fall off Frequent fall off Not detectable Not significant Frequent fall off
Grip strength / / / / / / Frequent fall off
Gait (Noldus Catwalk) Defect in dorsi-flexion but no gaiting alteration No alteration Abnormal print length No alteration / Abnormal print length Progressive gaiting worsening
Axon (number, size, g-ratio) 40% fewer axons in motor roots (L4 and L5) No alteration + 55% of < 3.5 μm axons + 40% of < 3.5 μm axons; Aδ fibers altered in the sciatic nerves / No alteration Degeneration in tibialis muscle
Muscle fiber Smaller anterior hindlimb muscles No alteration No alteration No alteration / Smaller tibialis and soleus muscles /
Mitochondria (number, aggregates, axonal transport) Highly aggregation and clusters Highly aggregation and clusters N° mitochondria + 28% in < 3.5 μm axons N° mitochondria + 34% in < 3.5 μm axons Reduced number in tibialis axons No alteration Clusters and morphology abnormalities. No mitophagy
Sensitive phenotype / / / / / / /