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. 2020 Oct 6;20:487. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02860-1

Table 3.

Primary outcomes at baseline and 3-year follow-up for Physical First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid groups

Change over time between YMHFA and PFA
Baseline 1-year follow-up 2-year follow-up 3-year follow-up Baseline to 3-year follow-up
n/N % n/N % n/N % n/N % n/N % n/N % n/N % n/N % OR (95% CI)
Adolescent with mental health problem – parent reporteda 19/151 12.6 31/168 18.5 8/96 8.33 15/109 13.8 10/80 12.5 14/98 14.3 6/61 9.8 6/86 7.0 0.17 (0.01 to 1.98)
Adolescent with mental health problem – adolescent reportedb 11/142 7.75 20/159 12.6 6/86 6.98 12/100 12.0 5/69 7.25 5/81 6.17 5/49 10.2 4/69 5.8 0.16 (0.02 to 1.41)
Mother supported adolescent very wellc 14/26 53.9 17/30 56.7 6/10 60.0 8/22 36.4 2/11 18.2 8/20 40.0 4/15 26.7 10/23 43.5 2.80 (0.11 to 72.56)
Father supported adolescent very wellc 7/23 30.4 7/29 24.1 3/8 37.5 2/21 9.52 2/10 20.0 5/19 26.3 3/15 20.0 8/24 33.3 4.31 (0.31 to 60.68)
PFA (n = 38) MHFA (n = 54) PFA (n = 24) MHFA (n = 28) PFA (n = 18) MHFA (n = 34) PFA (n = 19) MHFA (n = 35) Baseline to 3-year follow-up
M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD Mdiff (95% CI), d (95% CI)
Quality of parental support towards adolescents with mental health problem 2.55 1.18 2.41 1.19 2.29 1.08 2.46 1.00 2.61 1.09 2.82 1.45 2.32 0.95 2.77 1.33 0.41 (−0.38 to 1.20), 0.38 (− 0.18 to 0.94)

aIdentified by total difficulties scores in the abnormal range of 17 or greater on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Parent Report

bIdentified by total difficulties scores in the abnormal range of 20 or greater on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Child Report

cVersus “Fairly well”, “Not well”, or “Unsure” combined (reference category)

M Mean, SD Standard deviation