Figure 1.
High-frequency transmission of microbes (through a variety of mechanisms—MMT) is a primary determinant of host–microbe carrier frequencies within a single population of sexually reproducing individuals. Each line represents different steady-state microbe carrier frequencies (0.1–0.9, increasing in 0.2 intervals). Multiples of each line represent additional degrees of male mate choice, e.g. the number of opportunities a male has to find a preferred mating partner from n = 1, (no choice) to 9 (choosiest). Black arrows in (b,d) are used to highlight the main differences in conditions leading to a high carrier frequency (>0.9). Each panel represents a possible combination of host mate preference and relative fitness levels of host–microbe carriers (ε = 0.75 in (a,c), versus ε = 1.33 in (b,d)) as specified. In all cases, anything less than perfect 100% maternal VT required some environmental acquisition of the microbe for carriers to reach a high frequency within the population. A comparison of (a,b) shows that the relative fitness of host–microbe carriers compared to non-carriers had only a modest effect on the conditions required for carriers to reach high frequency. Positive assortative host mating by males for the same host type (carrier–carrier versus non-carrier–non-carrier) slightly changed the transmission conditions and either relaxed or increased transmission requirements based on overall carrier proportions. However, overall, the actual strength of host assortative mating had only a minimal effect. A comparison of (c,d) shows that preference by males for female microbe carriers had a modest effect on relaxing the stringency of transmission for carriers at all population frequencies. Effects of the microbes on host fitness again had minimal effect on the conditions required for carriers to reach high frequency. For full model outputs, see electronic supplementary material, figures S5a and S6b. In each case, here and for figure 2, equilibrium carrier frequencies of zero are not possible for most parameter combinations due to the model structure considered (instead frequencies asymptote toward zero). Carrier frequencies equal to one are attained but only in cases with perfect vertical transmission and/or environmental acquisition meaning they overlie figure axes and are not visible. (Online version in colour.)