Preserved body parts in fossils in comparison with modern analogues. Body parts of Myanmarcypris hui gen. et sp. nov. were visualized by tomography and volume rendering of female (BA19005-2) and male (BA19005-1) adult individuals, modern analogues by scanning electron microscopy. (a) Right 5th limb of male with clasping organ (top). (b) Eucypris virens: right 5th limb of male with clasping organ (top). (c) Two eggs in female partly cut open. (d) E. virens: empty egg shell. (e) Zenker organ. (f) Cyclocypris ovum: Zenker organ. (g) Mass of sperms in location of seminal receptacle in female. (h) Mytilocypris mytiloides: densely packed sperm filling of a seminal receptacle. (i) Paired hemipenes. (j) Fabaeformiscandona subacuta: paired hemipenes. (k) Sperms in female. (l) Pseudocandona marchica: sperms in female. Scale bars, 10 µm (a), (c–g), (k), (l); 100 µm (b), (h–j). (Online version in colour.)