PH domains of dynamin isoforms play a differential role during CCP stabilization. DASC analysis of live cell TIRFM data from ARPE mRuby-CLCa cells stably overexpressing PH domain chimeras in the absence of endogenous Dyn1 and Dyn2. (A, C, E) Changes in the rate of initiation of all CSs. (B, D, F) Changes in the percentage of CCPs (CCP%). Dots represent raw data points from individual movies, box plots show mean as a red line with 95%, and 1 SD as pink and blue blocks, respectively. Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to calculate statistical significance. The number of traces analyzed for above data (obtained from 1 experiment representive of 2–3 biological repeats) are: Dyn1PRD2-113430, Dyn1PH2PRD2-81527, Dyn2PRD1-114941, Dyn2PH1PRD1-162878, wtDyn2-69724, Dyn2PH1-65409.