Figure 5.
Increased colonic ACE2 expression in the epithelial cells of patient with active UC. [A] t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding [tSNE] plot showing the clustering and annotation of epithelial cells from the colon as reported in Smillie et al.36 [B] Expression of ACE2, DPP4, and TMPRSS2 in epithelial cell clusters of the colon. [C] Proportion of ACE2+ colonic epithelial cells in control, uninflamed, and inflamed samples. [D] Expression of ACE2, DPP4, and TMPRSS2 in colonic enterocytes from control, uninflamed, and inflamed samples. [E‐G] Expression of ACE2, DPP4, and TMPRSS2 overlaid on tSNE shown in panel A. [H] Expression level of ACE2 in ACE2+ cells of colon and ileum. [I] Heatmap showing scaled area under the curve [AUC] values of top 15 specific and highly enriched regulons [average AUC >0.1] in ACE2+ or ACE2- compartments in integrated data of ileal and colonic single-cell data identified by SCENIC analysis; control, non-IBD controls; UC, ulcerative colitis.