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. 2020 Oct 8;57(1):79–92. doi: 10.1007/s10597-020-00722-4

Table 4.

The association between mental health, changes in health behaviors, and covariates (N = 621)

Variables Coefficients 95% CI Tolerance
B S.E. β t
Main influences
(Constant) 42.526 1.755 24.228** ± 6.894
MPATL − 0.297 0.091 − 0.072 − 3.279* ± 0.356 0.603
VPATL 0.072 0.111 0.015 0.65 ± 0.437 0.545
SBTA − 3.593 0.077 − 0.853 − 46.755** ± 0.302 0.868
Exercising (ref.—yes) − 0.151 0.279 − 0.010 − 0.543 ± 1.095 0.847
 SF-unchangeda − 2.045 0.412 − 0.125 − 4.965** ± 1.617 0.453
 AI-not applicableb − 2.341 0.407 − 0.147 − 5.756** ± 1.598 0.441
 AI-unchangedb 0.695 0.163 0.086 4.257** ± 0.641 0.709
 EF-increasec − 0.747 0.300 − 0.051 − 2.484* ± 1.181 0.688
 EF-decreasec − 0.987 0.418 − 0.044 − 2.361* ± 1.642 0.817
Substance use (ref.—no) 1.545 0.502 0.058 3.080* ± 1.970 0.814
 SA-increased 2.441 0.425 0.111 5.749** ± 1.668 0.774
 SA-decreased 0.186 0.340 0.010 0.548 ± 1.334 0.818
DVI (ref.—no) 0.058 0.514 0.002 0.114 ± 2.019 0.774
Covariate influences
Gender (ref.—female) 1.015 0.286 0.067 3.545** ± 1.125 0.816
Education 1.282 0.552 0.041 2.323* ± 2.167 0.936
Model fit
R2 0.825
Adjusted R2 0.821
R2 change 0.004
Durbin–Watson 1.646
F 178.54**

B unstandardized coefficient, β standardized coefficient, CI confidence interval, S.E. standard error (of B), SBTA sedentary behavior time added, MPATL moderate physical activity time lost, VPATL vigorous physical activity time lost, SF smoking frequency, AI alcohol intake, EF eating frequency, SA sexual activity, DVI domestic violence increase

aDummy variable for smoking frequency with ‘SF-non-smoker’ as reference

bDummy variable for alcohol intake with ‘AI-decreased’ as reference

cDummy variable for eating frequency with ‘EF-no change’ as reference

dDummy variable for sexual activity with ‘SA-no change’ as reference

**p < 0.001; *p < 0.05