Evolutionary history of the primate GBP family. (A) Maximum-likelihood phylogeny established through DGINN based on a run on the GBP5 query (step 4). The four main primate lineages are identified by color-coding: Old World monkeys, blue; Hominoids, green; New World monkeys, orange; prosimians, purple/pink. Asterisks (*) denote nodes that are statistically supported by aLRT > 0.90. The GBP5 group, which lacks Old World monkey sequences, is boxed in yellow. The scale bar represents the number of nucleotide substitutions per site and the tree was midpoint rooted. (B) Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the GBP5 group of primate orthologs established through DGINN screen (step 7). (C) Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of the whole GBP family performed in DGINN after manual addition of primate GBP4 and GBP6 sequences. (D) Diagram of the genomic locus of the GBP gene family in seven simian primate species. The reference genomes from the NCBI used were: papAnu (Papio anubis): Panu_3.0, macMul (Macaca mulatta): Mmul10, chlSab (Chlorocebus sabaeus): Chlorocebus_sabeus 1.1, homSap (Homo sapiens): GRCh38.p13, gorGor (Gorilla gorilla): gorGor4, saiBol (Saimiri boliviensis): saiBol1.0. All alignments and phylogenies for panel A, B and C (referred as 5A_aln, 5A_tree etc.) can be found on the GitHub (see Availability).