Figure 2.
Structural depictions of ABC-ATPase showing: (A) head-to-head dimeric interface (PDB ID: 5X40). (B) open barrel-like structure through which the H1 is threaded (PDB ID: 3FVQ). (C–F) helical element of insert-1 forming a major binding interface for either partner proteins (e.g. SufC (PDB ID: 2ZU0) and transporters (PDB ID: 1L7V)) or nucleic acids (RLI-1 (PDB ID: 5LL6) and Rad50 (PDB ID: 5DNY)). The coloring scheme is as follows: Core strands (S1-S5) (orange); additional strand (S4) within the core-sheet of the ASCE clade (yellow); preceding strands (PS1-PS2) forming the barrel (pale-green); core helices (H1–H5) (gray); P-loop signature (marine); insert-1 strands IS1 and IS2 (dark blue); insert-1 helix or the bi-helical hairpin (red); hammer-head loop (black); Insert-2 helices (blueish white); the partner proteins or nucleic acids (green).