cross-section area of corona discharge (m2) |
drag coefficient of the cathode |
ion diffusivity (m2 s−1) |
ion diffusivity of charged species k (m2 s−1) |
distance between anode and cathode (mm) |
electric field (V m−1) |
Coulomb force per unit volume (N m−3) |
volumetric force induced by ions (N) |
drag force (N) |
current (A) |
current flux [C/(s•m2)] |
current flux at characteristic length scale [C/(s•m2)] |
Boltzmann constant |
characteristic dimension |
density of charged species k
pressure inside a corona discharge (Pa) |
elementary charge (C) |
cross-sectional area of the cathode (m2) |
thrust force induced by the ions (N) |
absolute temperature (K) |
velocity (m s−1) |
mean electric wind velocity (m s−1) |
scaling factor for the characteristic length |
permittivity of air [C/(V•m)] |
ion mobility [m2/(V•s)] |
ion mobility of charged species k [m2/(V•s)] |
charge density (C m−3) |
density of fluid (kg m−3) |
non-dimensionless quantity for the drag force |
electric potential (V) |
corona initiation voltage (V) |
production rate of charged species |