A) Tag density plots of normalised ATAC-seq signal at OE19 specific KLF5 ChIP-seq regions from CP-A (blue) and OE19 (red) cells (top) and merged BO (blue) and merged OAC (red) tissue (bottom). (
B) Top GO terms of nearest genes associated with OE19-specific (top) or CP-A-specific (bottom) KLF5 peaks which show either increased (top) or decreased (bottom) expression in OAC. (
C) Euler diagram of 299 KLF5-binding regions that are specific to OE19-specific binding regions that are located within loci (+/- 250 kb) containing genes upregulated in OAC and downregulated with KLF5 depletion. The motifs identified in
Figure 4E (KLF5, GATA1, FOXA2, FRA1 and TCF7L2) found within each peak are shown (note that an additional 71 regions cannot be depicted due to the small numbers involved). The regions in the white circle contain none of the indicated motifs. (
D) Heatmap of KLF5, GATA6 and HNF4A ChIP-seq signal from OE19 cells at OE19 specific KLF5 ChIP-seq peaks nearby KLF5-activated target genes. (
E) RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated genes following treatment of CP-A cells with non-targeting (NT) or KLF5 siRNAs for 72 hr (n = 3; P-values **=<0.01; ns = not significant). (
F) Tag density plots of normalised ATAC-signal at cluster 1 (left) and cluster 2 (right) regions (see
Figure 4G) from CP-A (blue) and OE19 (red) cells (top) and merged BO (blue) and merged OAC (top) samples (bottom). (
G) Bar chart of percentage targets and percentage background of de novo discovered motifs in cluster 1 (top) and cluster 2 (bottom) regions. De novo motif, called transcription factor with motif match score and p-value are shown.