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. 2020 Oct 9;133:105024. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105024

Table 3.

Linear regression estimates of union membership and perceptions of safety climate.

Perceptions of safety climate
β SE
1. Outcome:
Union: Yes
-0.609*** 0.126
2. Covariates:
Resource adequacy
0.429*** 0.065
Supervisor support 0.370*** 0.054
Co-worker support 0.167*** 0.056
Workload -0.014 0.043
 30–39 0.251 0.187
 40–49 0.192 0.192
 50–64 0.069 0.189
 65 and above 0.614* 0.287
Sex: female 0.104 0.132
 Less than high school
 High school graduate 0.086 0.306
 Some college/associate’s 0.427 0.302
 Bachelor’s degree 0.210 0.328
 Beyond bachelor’s 0.466 0.334
 Public Services
 Construction, Extraction, and Maintenance Operations 0.563* 0.239
 Manufacturing 0.137 0.199
 Transportation, Trade, and Utilities 0.147 0.157
 Professional Services 0.053 0.206
 Miscellaneous 0.025 0.248
3. Year:
 2006 0.167 0.164
 2010 0.120 0.189
 2014 0.052 0.168
 2018 -0.178 0.155

Note: weighted n = 1,552; unweighted n = 1,527.

Data Source: General Social Survey, Quality of Worklife Module 2002–2018

* p < .05 ; **p < .01; *** p < .001


Industry classification detailed in Appendix A.