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. 2020 Sep 25;11:571084. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.571084

Table 3B.

Unstandardized parameter estimates for phenotypic and biometric models estimating the effects of self-report change in alcohol use on perceived stress.

Use same vs. use more Use same vs. use less
Est OR [95% CI] p Est OR [95% CI] p
Phenotypic model
bp .373 1.45 [1.32, 1.60] <.001 .103 1.11 [1.0, 1.22] .038
Quasi-causal model
bA .382 1.47 [1.07, 2.00] .017 −.188 .83 [.59, 1.17] .288
bC .382 1.47 [1.07, 2.00] .017 −.188 .83 [.59, 1.17] .288
bp .203 1.23 [1.08, 1.39] .002 .191 1.21 [1.03, 1.43] .022
Quasi-causal model (with covariates)
bA .078 1.08 [.69, 1.70] .735 −.244 .78 [.48, 1.28] .332
bC .078 1.08 [.69, 1.70] .735 −.244 .78 [.48, 1.28] .332
bp .216 1.24 [1.08, 1.43] .002 .202 1.22 [1.03, 1.45] .019
Age −.180 .84 [.77,.90] <.001 .056 1.06 [.98, 1.14] .142
Sex (F) .369 1.45 [1.13, 1.85] .003 .025 1.03 [.82, 1.28] .825
RMSEA [90%CI] .018 [0,.041] .025 [0,.045]

Phenotypic model does not include controls for between-pair confounds, whereas quasi-causal model include controls for between-pair confounds. Perceived stress is square root transformed; age is divided by 10.

OR, odds ratio; bA, amount of variance in perceived stress attributable to additive genetic influences; bC, amount of variance in perceived stress attributable to shared environmental influences; bP, phenotypic association between predictor and outcome; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation.