Input: Gene microarrays data G = {g1,⋯,gN} |
Output: A gene regulatory network |
1: Construct a MI matrix MI according to Eq. 1; |
2: Calculate restart probability α using Eq. 8; |
3: Construct transition probability matrix W using Eq. 11; |
4: Calculate gene expression level EL(gi) for each gene using Eq. 9; |
5: Select centres of functional module and put them into set C according to Eq. 10; |
6: Construct functional modules: moduleg1 = {g1}, moduleg2 = {g2}, ⋯, modulegN = {gN}; |
7: For each gene gi ∈ C do |
8: Rank the genes gj in {G−gi} according to MI(gi, gj) in descending order to form ranking list MIL; |
9: modulegi ← the top logN genes in MIL; |
10: End For |
11: For each gene gi ∈ G do |
12: Construct initial probability vector according to modulegi; |
13: ; |
14: Calculate final score MIP(gi) according to Eq. 13; |
15: End For |
16: Infer network using Eq. 14; |
17: Process isolated genes based on IPC-MB; |
18: Return the optimised gene regulatory network. |