Fig. 2. JMJD3 enhances reprogramming efficiency in a catalytic-dependent manner.
a Western blotting for H3K27me3 in the indicated OSKM-reprogrammed P2 MEFs and quantification normalized to H3 (upper panel), and the statistics for the quantification (lower panel). b Schematic depiction of JMJD3 and a catalytic mutant JMJD3 (JMJD3 mut). c Western blotting for H3K27me3 and FLAG (exogenous FLAG-tagged JMJD3 constructs) in OSKM-reprogrammed P2 MEFs at day 5 and H3K27me3 quantification normalized to H3 (left panel) and statistics for the quantification (right panel). d Number of GFP+ colonies at day 11 in OSKM-reprogrammed P2 MEFs with the indicated JMJD3 constructs. e Number of GFP+ colonies at days 11 (with Vc) and 16 (without Vc) in OSKM-reprogrammed P2 MEFs with shRNAs against firefly Luciferase (shLuc) or Jmjd3 (shJmjd3; two independent shRNAs). f Number of GFP+ colonies at day 11 in OSKM-reprogrammed P2 MEFs with shLuc or shJmjd3, together with the indicated JMJD3 rescue mutants or Empty. g Phase contrast and NANOG immunofluorescent images of typical colonies (left panel) and number of NANOG+ colonies in OSKM-reprogrammed WT and Jmjd3 KO P2 MEFs with the indicated constructs (right panel) at day 11. Scale bars, 100 μm. h Western blotting for H3K27me3 in OSKM-reprogrammed WT and Jmjd3 KO P2 MEFs with the indicated constructs at day 5, H3K27me3 quantification normalized to H3 (left panel) and statistics for the quantification (right panel). Error bars represent the s.e.m. Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. from n = 3 a, c, d–h biologically independent experiments. Statistical analyses were performed using a two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test c–e, g, h or one-way ANOVA followed by a Holm–Sidak multiple comparison test a, f (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). P values: 0.0198 (D5 + Vc − JMJD3 vs. D5 + Vc + JMJD3), 0.0001 (D5 − Vc − JMJD3 vs. D10 − Vc − JMJD3), 0.0001 (D10 + Vc − JMJD3 vs. D10 + Vc + JMJD3) a; 0.0059 c; 0.0031 d; 0.0135, 0.0009, 0.0048, 0.0023 e; 0.0255 (shLuc + Empty vs. shJmjd3 #1 + Empty), 0.0001 (shJmjd3 #1 + Empty vs. shJmjd3 #1 + Mut #1), 0.0065 (shLuc + Empty vs. shJmjd3 #2 + Empty), 0.0001 (shJmjd3 #2 + Empty vs. shJmjd3 #2 + Mut #2) f; 0.0018, 0.0009 g; 0.0053, 0.0189 h. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.