a, Distribution of triplexes Ta, Tb, Tc, Td, Te, and Tf among the penton and three types of hexons (C, e, and P). b-e, enlarged view of a triplex Td with three adjacent hexon MCP subunits (C1, e5, and P4) from outside (b) and inside (c). The inside view (c) shows that N-anchor domain of Td Tri1 lines along the three valleys of the MCP inner floor. Also shown are side views of Tri1 monomer (d) and triplex Td (e). f, Superpositions of Tri1 monomers from different triplexes except Ta. g, Superpositions of Tri1 monomers from triplex Tc, peri-penton triplex Ta before and after CATC binding, and peri-portal Ta. h-j, Tri2A (h) and Tri2B (i) shown as ribbons side by side, or together as pipe-and-plank (j). k, l, Two orthogonal views of the superposition of the aligned Tri2A and Tri2B, showing nearly identical clamp and trunk domains, but different embracing arm domain.