Figure 2.
Associations of serum cytokine/chemokine levels with lipid measures, arthritis activity, and diet in 21 week-old K/BxN mice are shown. Serum cytokine/chemokine levels were assessed using Luminex-based 20 plex assays for the 29 21 week-old K/BxN mice from Fig. 1. (A) Cytokine/chemokine profiles are generally greater in the more arthritic males compared to less arthritic females. (B) No significant cytokine/chemokine differences were noted between mice on a chow versus atherogenic diet with the exception of G-CSF, which was higher in the mice fed an atherogenic diet. (C) Correlations of cytokine/chemokine levels with arthritic hindlimb scores and laboratory assays are shown. Of note, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, TNF-α, IP-10, MIG, MIP-1α, and VEGF were assessed in the Luminex panel but values were too low in majority of specimens to allow reliable analysis. Hindlimb score = mean caliper measurement. HDL-C = HDL cholesterol. TC = total cholesterol. PON1 = paraoxonase activity. Lactonase = lactonase activity Data represent Mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05 for test of Spearman Correlation Coefficient.