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. 2020 Oct 9;10:16895. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72583-6

Table 2.

Details of breakthrough parameters.

Sr. no. Breakthrough parameters Formula
1 Breakthrough time (tb) Time at Ct/C0 = 0.1
2 Exhaust time (te) Time at Ct/C0 = 0.9
3 Breakthrough volume (vb) vb = tb/Flow rate
4 Exhaust volume (ve) ve = te/Flow rate
5 Time require for the movement of mass transfer zone (tδ) downward tδ=Ve-VbFlowrate
6 Adsorption capacity at t0.5 (mg/g) [Breakthrough time at 50% × flow rate (mL/min) × feed concentration (mg/L)]/mass of adsorbent (gm)
7 Height of MTZ (HMTZ) HMTZ=Zte-tbte
8 MTZ moving rate (Uz) UZ=HMTZtδ