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. 2020 Oct 9;10:16921. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73954-9

Table 5.

Outcomes of the sensitivity meta-regressions.

Model R2 Mean effect size N effect sizes included Homogeneity Q B 95% CI. LL, UL p-value
A Pain
Intervention: duration [weeks] .445 1.8 40 31 − .009 − .1, .08 .8

Intervention: frequency [NTrainings/week]

data transformed from U-shaped association

.164 − .239, .567 .4

Intervention: Time per session [minutes]

Data transfomed from negative log association

− 1.75 − 2.61, − .879 .0001
PEDro sum score [points] − .17 − .36, .016 .07
Sample size (MCE) .005 − .016, .026 .6
Model R2 Mean effect size N effect sizes included Homogeneity Q B 95% CI. LL, UL p-value
B Disability
Intervention: duration [weeks] .15 1.7 37 2 .1 − 0.3, 0.95 .3

Intervention: frequency [NTrainings/week]

data transformed from U-shaped association

.26 − .61, 1.1 .6

Intervention: time per session [minutes]

Data transfomed from negative log association

− 1.0 − 3.1, .95 .3
PEDro sum score [points] − .04 − .37, .30 .8
Sample size (MCE) − .003 − .06, .06 .9

For each single analysis, effect sizes, number of included effect sizes, homogeneity, the regression coefficient B, its confidence interval (CI) and the corresponding p-value are displayed. Legend: LL, lower level, UL, upper level.