Table 1.
Demographic, Clinical, Cognitive, and Neurophysiologic Data.
MCI (n = 128) | MDD (n = 51) | MCI + MDD (n = 85) | HC (n = 47) | F or χ2(df) | p value | Post-hoc comparisons | |
Age | 71.96 (7.23) | 69.27 (3.99) | 70.85 (4.68) | 69.70 (5.66) | 3.30 (3,307) | 0.02a | MCI > MDD |
Highest level of education | 13.20 (18) | 0.78 | – | ||||
Less than high school | 7 | 3 | 4 | 1 | |||
High school graduate | 13 | 3 | 9 | 2 | |||
Partial University | 10 | 8 | 9 | 2 | |||
University degree | 65 | 24 | 43 | 28 | |||
Graduate degree | 33 | 14 | 20 | 13 | |||
Gender (M:F) | 51:78 | 15:37 | 32:53 | 15:32 | 2.29 (3) | 0.51 | – |
MMSE | 27.90 (1.62) | 29.00 (1.22) | 28.06 (1.55) | 29.04 (1.16) | 11.68 (3,305) | <0.001b | HC, MDD > MCI, MCI + MDD |
MoCA | 23.77 (2.45) | 27.60 (1.73) | 24.76 (2.64) | 27.77 (1.29) | 57.40 (3,307) | <0.001b | HC, MDD > MCI, MCI + MDD; MCI + MDD > MCI |
WRAT 4 Score | 62.98 (4.57) | 65.49 (3.67) | 64.00 (4.73) | 65.72 (3.48) | 6.83 (3,307) | <0.001b | HC, MDD > MCI, MCI + MDD |
2-back DPrime T score | 48.57 (9.32) | 52.15 (10.18) | 47.06 (9.79) | 57.55 (7.54) | 14.66 (3,305) | <0.001b | HC > MCI, MDD, MCI + MDD; MDD > MCI + MDD |
PASAT T score | 48.00 (9.75) | 51.80 (9.10) | 48.14 (10.42) | 56.30 (7.76) | 10.21 (3,294) | <0.001b | HC > MCI, MCI + MDD |
TMT B/TMT A T score | 48.93 (3.80) | 47.87 (3.64) | 49.65 (4.51) | 47.56 (2.84) | 3.90 (3,293) | 0.009b | HC > MCI + MDD |
BNT T score | 48.40 (9.53) | 53.80 (6.89) | 50.98 (7.50) | 53.53 (6.65) | 7.59 (3,299) | <0.001b | HC, MDD > MCI |
JLO-Q T score | 49.08 (10.66) | 52.76 (8.21) | 47.66 (9.85) | 53.43 (9.05) | 5.17 (3,305) | 0.002b | HC > MCI; MDD > MCI + MDD |
DSC T score | 48.44 (9.62) | 54.46 (8.64) | 46.09 (9.44) | 56.46 (8.33) | 17.87 (3,305) | <0.001b | HC, MDD > MCI; |
2-Back MI | 0.0033 (0.005) | 0.0035 (0.003) | 0.0033 (0.003) | 0.0047 (0.004) | 4.17 (3,305) | 0.006b | HC > MCI, MCI + MDD |
2-Back gamma power | 6722.93 (9847.9) | 5138.62 (4126.1) | 6371.52 (7313.7) | 4472.77 (4292.3) | 1.51 (3,306) | 0.08 | – |
2-Back theta power | 16,304.24 (14281.3) | 15,805.84 (11888.9) | 19,338.40 (24290.3) | 18,556.87 (24026.7) | 0.37 (3,306) | 0.69 | – |
Except for education and gender, values are listed as mean (SD).
MCI mild cognitive impairment, Mdd Major depressive disorder, MCI + MDD Mild cognitive impairment + major depressive disorder, HC healthy control, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MI Modulation Index, WRAT 4 Wide Range Achievement Test 4–Word Reading subtest, PASAT Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, TMT B/TMT A Trail Making Test Part B time-per-connection ratio divided by Trail Making Test Part A time-per-connection ratio, BNT Boston Naming Test, DSC digit symbol coding, JLO-Q Judgment of Line Orientation-Q, F one-way analysis of variance, χ2 Chi-square test, df degrees of freedom.
aIndicates significance at α ≤ 0.05.
bIndicates significance at α ≤ 0.01.