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. 2020 Jul 18;45(12):2038–2047. doi: 10.1038/s41386-020-0759-z

Table 1.

Demographic, Clinical, Cognitive, and Neurophysiologic Data.

MCI (n = 128) MDD (n = 51) MCI + MDD (n = 85) HC (n = 47) F or χ2(df) p value Post-hoc comparisons
Age 71.96 (7.23) 69.27 (3.99) 70.85 (4.68) 69.70 (5.66) 3.30 (3,307) 0.02a MCI > MDD
  Highest level of education 13.20 (18) 0.78
  Less than high school 7 3 4 1
  High school graduate 13 3 9 2
  Partial University 10 8 9 2
  University degree 65 24 43 28
  Graduate degree 33 14 20 13
Gender (M:F) 51:78 15:37 32:53 15:32 2.29 (3) 0.51
MMSE 27.90 (1.62) 29.00 (1.22) 28.06 (1.55) 29.04 (1.16) 11.68 (3,305) <0.001b HC, MDD > MCI, MCI + MDD
MoCA 23.77 (2.45) 27.60 (1.73) 24.76 (2.64) 27.77 (1.29) 57.40 (3,307) <0.001b HC, MDD > MCI, MCI + MDD; MCI + MDD > MCI
WRAT 4 Score 62.98 (4.57) 65.49 (3.67) 64.00 (4.73) 65.72 (3.48) 6.83 (3,307) <0.001b HC, MDD > MCI, MCI + MDD
2-back DPrime T score 48.57 (9.32) 52.15 (10.18) 47.06 (9.79) 57.55 (7.54) 14.66 (3,305) <0.001b HC > MCI, MDD, MCI + MDD; MDD > MCI + MDD
PASAT T score 48.00 (9.75) 51.80 (9.10) 48.14 (10.42) 56.30 (7.76) 10.21 (3,294) <0.001b HC > MCI, MCI + MDD
TMT B/TMT A T score 48.93 (3.80) 47.87 (3.64) 49.65 (4.51) 47.56 (2.84) 3.90 (3,293) 0.009b HC > MCI + MDD
BNT T score 48.40 (9.53) 53.80 (6.89) 50.98 (7.50) 53.53 (6.65) 7.59 (3,299) <0.001b HC, MDD > MCI
JLO-Q T score 49.08 (10.66) 52.76 (8.21) 47.66 (9.85) 53.43 (9.05) 5.17 (3,305) 0.002b HC > MCI; MDD > MCI + MDD
DSC T score 48.44 (9.62) 54.46 (8.64) 46.09 (9.44) 56.46 (8.33) 17.87 (3,305) <0.001b HC, MDD > MCI;
2-Back MI 0.0033 (0.005) 0.0035 (0.003) 0.0033 (0.003) 0.0047 (0.004) 4.17 (3,305) 0.006b HC > MCI, MCI + MDD
2-Back gamma power 6722.93 (9847.9) 5138.62 (4126.1) 6371.52 (7313.7) 4472.77 (4292.3) 1.51 (3,306) 0.08
2-Back theta power 16,304.24 (14281.3) 15,805.84 (11888.9) 19,338.40 (24290.3) 18,556.87 (24026.7) 0.37 (3,306) 0.69

Except for education and gender, values are listed as mean (SD).

MCI mild cognitive impairment, Mdd Major depressive disorder, MCI + MDD Mild cognitive impairment + major depressive disorder, HC healthy control, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MI Modulation Index, WRAT 4 Wide Range Achievement Test 4–Word Reading subtest, PASAT Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, TMT B/TMT A Trail Making Test Part B time-per-connection ratio divided by Trail Making Test Part A time-per-connection ratio, BNT Boston Naming Test, DSC digit symbol coding, JLO-Q Judgment of Line Orientation-Q, F one-way analysis of variance, χ2 Chi-square test, df degrees of freedom.

aIndicates significance at α ≤ 0.05.

bIndicates significance at α ≤ 0.01.