Fig. 5.
IAV infection promotes an adaptive immune T cell response in the aorta of pregnant mice. Mice were inoculated with either PBS or Hk-x31 virus (X-31; 104 PFU) at 3 dpi (D3) and 6 dpi (D6). Immunofluorescence microscopy of pregnant PBS- and Hk-x31–infected mice labeled with early T cell activation marker CD69 antibody (red) are shown. Arrows show areas of positive CD69 cells and α smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Also shown are the quantification results and CD69 mRNA expression. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (pregnant PBS, n = 5 or 6; pregnant X-31, n = 5 or 6; of at least two independent experiments). Statistical analysis was performed by using unpaired t test against their respective PBS control. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001.