Fig. 2.
Coordinated decrease in cTnI and ENH2 phosphorylation in HCM tissues. Representative deconvoluted mass spectra for (A) cTnI and (B) ENH2 from donor hearts (black) and HCM tissues (red). Mono- and bis-phosphorylation are denoted by red p and pp, respectively. (C) Total protein phosphorylation (Ptot) calculated by mol Pi/mol protein for cTnI and ENH2 in Ctrl (n = 16) and HCM (n = 16). Horizontal bars represent the mean of the group and error bars represent SEM in gray for Ctrl and black for HCM. Groups were considered significantly different at P < 0.05. (D) Localization of cTnI phosphorylation to Ser22/23 and (E) localization of ENH2 phosphorylation to Ser118 by ECD. (F) Linear correlation between cTnI phosphorylation and ENH2 phosphorylation (R2 = 0.9276).