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. 2020 Oct 9;22:233. doi: 10.1186/s13075-020-02337-2

Table 4.

Clinical outcome of women versus men with nr-axSpA after 1 year of treatment with a first TNF inhibitor

Type of analysis Outcome Unadjusted analyses Adjusted analyses#
N Women % Men % OR 95% CI p N OR 95% CI p
Response/tolerance* ASAS20 99 27 57 0.28 0.11; 0.68 0.002 93 0.16 0.04; 0.50 0.003
ASAS40 99 17 38 0.34 0.12; 0.93 0.02 93 0.19 0.05; 0.62 0.009
BASDAI50 98 23 50 0.30 0.11; 0.77 0.007 93 0.19 0.05; 0.58 0.005
ASDAS improvement ≥ 1.1 84 28 58 0.29 0.10; 0.78 0.008 82 0.26 0.08; 0.75 0.02
ASDAS < 2.1 93 27 49 0.39 0.15; 1.00 0.03 86 0.18 0.04; 0.65 0.01
ASDAS improvement ≥ 2 84 4 26 0.13 0.01; 0.68 0.005 82 0.04 0.00; 0.27 0.003
ASDAS < 1.3 93 8 29 0.23 0.05; 0.82 0.01 86 0.07 0.01; 0.39 0.005
Completer** ASAS20 68 45 73 0.31 0.10; 0.94 0.03 66 0.15 0.03; 0.60 0.01
ASAS40 68 29 49 0.44 0.14; 1.31 0.14 66 0.25 0.06; 0.91 0.04
BASDAI50 67 39 64 0.36 0.12; 1.07 0.05 66 0.20 0.05; 0.75 0.02
ASDAS improvement ≥ 1.1 61 46 67 0.44 0.14; 1.38 0.13 60 0.36 0.09; 1.29 0.13
ASDAS < 2.1 67 43 59 0.53 0.18; 1.54 0.22 63 0.28 0.06; 1.12 0.08
ASDAS improvement ≥ 2 61 7 30 0.18 0.02; 0.98 0.03 60 0.05 0.00; 0.38 0.01
ASDAS < 1.3 67 13 35 0.29 0.06; 1.11 0.05 63 0.08 0.01; 0.47 0.01

*Response in patients with available outcome at 1 year, patients having discontinued the first TNFi in the meantime being considered non-responders. **Response in patients still on their first TNFi at 1 year. Patients with co-morbid fibromyalgia were excluded from these analyses. #Adjustment for diagnostic delay, MASES, BASDAI and BMI. ASAS20 and ASAS40 20% and 40% improvement according to the ASAS criteria, respectively; ASDAS Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; BASDAI50 50% improvement in the BASDAI; nr-axSpA nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis; TNF tumor necrosis factor