Figure 7. Exposure of pregnant mice to Br2 damages their placentas.
Pregnant (E14.5) mice were exposed to air or 600ppm Br2 for 30 minutes, returned to room air and received tadalafil (TAD) or vehicle. A–B) Representative H&E stained (A) placenta sections at E18.5 with the junctional zone demarcated with yellow highlighting (A) as well as (B) PAS staining (left) and CDX2 staining (right) of Br2-exposed pregnant mice revealed a reduced junctional zone (B: black bars) at E18.5; tadalafil administration restored junctional zones to normal size. C) Junctional zone areas at E18.5 for the indicated groups; n=9–20; ANOVA. D–E) TNFα mRNA (n=6–23) was reduced in Br2-exposed pregnant mice treated with tadalafil. sFLT-1/FLT-1 mRNA (=12–18) was increased in placentas of Br2-exposed pregnant mice at E18.5 (ANOVA), and was reduced to air control values by tadalafil. F) sFLT-1 in plasma at E18.5 increased in pregnant mice exposed to Br2 and was reduced with tadalafil; ANOVA. Only one placenta per pregnant mother was used. All data are means±S.E.M.