Figure 1. SCC and BCC post-radiation cosmesis as a function of BED for BT and EBRT.
The rates of “good” (upper panel), “fair” (middle panel), and “poor” (lower panel) cosmesis are plotted vs. biologically equivalent doses with α/β=3 (BED3). The % good/fair/poor cosmesis vs BED3 is plotted for brachytherapy (BT, left column), external beam radiation therapy (EBRT, center column), and both techniques co-plotted (right column). The cosmetic outcomes for BT and EBRT were similar up to BED3 of ~100 Gy (as evidenced by overlapping 95% confidence intervals), which is equivalent to about 64 Gy/32 fractions, 55 Gy/20 fractions, 50 Gy/15 fractions. Neither technique was associated with poor cosmetic outcomes, independent of the dose or fractionation. At higher BED3s, e.g. 35 Gy/5 fractions, or BED3 of 120 Gy, BT was associated with higher likelihood of good cosmesis vs. fair cosmesis.