Figure 7.
Optogenetic stimulation of type I GAD65+ fungiform TBCs increases behavioral preference and lick rates in Na+-depleted mice. A, B, Preference scores (A) and lick rates (B) of WT, Ai32, and GAD65-ChR2-EYFP mice are dependent on whether mice were Na+ deplete or Na+ replete. As expected, Na+-depleted mice show a robust preference for 0.3 m NaCl versus H2O that is similar to preference scores for optogenetic stimulation of GAD65+ TBCs in response to illuminated H2O versus H2O. Ai32 mice are indifferent to light while Na+ deplete. All animal strains are indifferent when Na+ replete. Asterisks indicate significant differences (following Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment) between Na+ deplete and Na+ replete conditions. †Differences in lick rates between NaCl or illuminated H2O and H2O.