Table 4.
Complications Observed after Intravitreal Injection
Complication Type | No. of Total Injections (%) |
Any complication | 841 (1.9) |
Any minor complication | 612 (1.4) |
Irritation | 312 |
Subconjunctival hemorrhage | 284 |
Air bubble | 79 |
Medication in eye | 40 |
Any serious complication | 157 (0.4) |
Corneal abrasion | 46 |
Iritis | 31 |
Vitreous hemorrhage | 24 |
Increased intraocular pressure | 22 |
Posterior vitreous detachment | 12 |
Conjunctivitis | 11 |
Hyphema | 6 |
Vitreous cell | 5 |
Conjunctival abrasion | 5 |
Medication in anterior chamber | 4 |
Corneal edema | 3 |
Retinal tear | 2 |
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment | 2 |
Other∗ | 19 |
Any unrelated complication | 124 (0.3) |
No acute pathologic features | 80 |
Progressing disease | 44 |
Complications totaled 1031 in 841 encounters, because a patient could demonstrate multiple complications.
Includes one of each of the following: central artery occlusion, complication diagnosed by outside provider, conjunctival inclusion cyst, debris in vitreous cavity, decreased vision, disc edema, episcleritis, exudative retinal detachment, headache, limbal flush, lower eyelid abnormality, macular hole, periorbital ecchymosis, preseptal cellulitis, retained cilia, scleritis, subhyaloid or intraretinal hemorrhage, vitreomacular traction, and vitreous opacity.