Figure 1.
Maternal obesity reduces proliferation of hypothalamic neural progenitor cells. A) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of Bub1b, Ki67, Pcna and Cmyc in fetal hypothalamic tissue (A.U., expressed as relative to Off-C, n = 6–7) B) Correlation between maternal body weight (g) at E13 and fetal hypothalamic expression of Bub1b (n = 13) C) Correlation between maternal serum insulin (ng/ml) at E13 and fetal hypothalamic expression of Bub1b (n = 8) D) Diameter of neurospheres grown from fetal hypothalamic NPC after 5–8 DIV (significant effect of dam diet over time course by two-way ANOVA; n = 7–8) E) Representative images of neurospheres grown from control and obese fetal hypothalamus after 8 DIV (scale bar = 100 μm) F) Dissociated cell number at the beginning of neurosphere culture (0DIV) and after 8DIV (n = 7) G) Correlation between maternal body weight (g) at E13 and neurosphere width after 8 DIV (n = 13). Off-C = white bars or solid line, Off-Ob = black bars or dashed line. Data are presented as mean +/− SEM. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. Outlier was excluded from (A) Pcna; Off-C (Grubb's method, alpha = 0.2, G = 2.198, outlier excluded value 4.42).