Fig. 1.
Ontogenetic shift of Triatoma rubida microbiomes in sylvatic populations from Arizona. Pictures of each T. rubida life stage are to proportional scale. a The microbiome profiles showing the 20 most abundant bacterial genera, listed in decreasing order of abundance to the right of the figure. Each column represents a single individual. LCBD, local contributions to beta diversity. The size of the circle for each sample indicates the degree of uniqueness for that sample relative to the overall variation in community composition [81]. b Richness and Shannon index (Y axis) for each developmental stage (X axis). Each point represents an individual bug. Length of the horizontal bar indicates the two stages being compared. Asterisks designate significance level as follows ***≤ 0.001, **≤ 0.01, *≤ 0.05. c NMDS on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity values for microbiomes of different developmental stage. Each colour and shape correspond to a different instar; L6 stands for adults. Each point represents an individual bug. Ellipses are statistically significant at 0.05 confidence interval