bamAE470K, bamAA496P, and bamAA499S mutations promote viability of ΔbamB ΔbamC ΔbamE mutants. (A and B) Immunoblot analysis of stationary phase suppressed ΔbamB ΔbamC ΔbamE mutants expressing bamAE470K (A) or bamAA496P or bamAA499S (B) probing for BamB, BamC, and BamE. RpoA served as a loading control. (C) The indicated strains were normalized by OD600, serially diluted, and spotted onto medium containing vancomycin, bacitracin, or erythromycin. Plates were incubated overnight at 30°C. (D) Immunoblot analysis of stationary-phase cultures. Samples were electrophoresed and probed for a variety of β-barrel OMPs. RpoA served as a loading control.