Table 1.
Some examples of successful programmes for children in countries with climate-related disasters preparedness
Country | Successful programmes for climate-related disasters preparedness |
Chile | National disaster’s education through drills for evacuation for major disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamies.51 |
Cuba | National programme for preparing children for hurricanes through early warning education, evacuation education, enhancing health literacy and awareness, national media active role in hurricane education and early warning and teaching risk-prone area to people including children.52 |
Indonesia | National school-based disaster education (lecture, drill, curriculum).53 |
Iran | Programmes for children about first aid skills, evacuation drills, curriculum-based teaching resource for disasters education.54 |
Israel | Disaster education with lecture and drills for children,55 light search and rescue training of high-school students in Israel.56 57 |
Japan | Tsunami preparedness via evacuation drills,58 disaster management drill, firefighting frill, acquiring skill of rescue and first aid and curriculum-based teaching resource.59 |
New Zealand | Shakeout drill (emergency evacuation),60 The What’s the Plan, Stan?, a voluntary, curriculum-based teaching resource for children disasters preparedness,61 museum-based hazard education programme on students, teachers and parents.62 |
Portugal | Using the disaster awareness game for enhancing disasters preparedness, curriculum-based teaching resource, interactive resources.63 64 |
Turkey | National programme that was titled 'Are We Prepared for a disaster?' for children24 |
USA | Shake out drill in schools and communities (drop, cover and hold on drills for earthquakes and evacuation for tsunamis).62 65 66 |