The data distribution in ncRPheno. (A) The distribution of ncRNA-disease associations across different classes of ncRNAs. The ‘Others’ ncRNAs include circRNA (15,257 associations; 3.16%), piRNA (1282; 0.27%), and snoRNA (584; 0.09%). (B) The distribution of ncRNA-disease associations across species. The ‘Others’ species include Macaca mulatta (739 associations; 0.15%), Sus scrofa (715; 0.15%), Pan troglodytes (654; 0.14%), Callithrix jacchu (180; 0.037%), Gallus gallus (150; 0.031%), Canis familiaris (45; 0.009%), Danio rerio (28; 0.006%), and Oryctolagus cuniculus (12; 0.002%).